Sunday, September 22, 2013

Off to a Great Start!

It's been a solid month at Clover Middle; and I can say that it has been an eventful and speedy month! I think that these have been some of the best days to start a school year that I have had. We are beginning to dive into our curriculum....Math, we started into Integers and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers and in Science, we looked into topographic maps and how we use them within daily lives. In beginning our starting units of study we looked into hands-on activities and labs to get our feet wet. Check out some of our labs investigating topographic maps:

In Academy we began to read a novel together called The Juvie Three. I honestly have never heard of the book before this school year...but reading it ahead of my students, I can say that it is very interesting and grabs your attention from the beginning! But before we began reading this novel I decided to check in with my Academy kiddos (we have a small group of 14 that I get to hang out with during this time) and see what they were thinking about eighth grade so far. At the end of the first week of school (I know...this is a little late!) we created our first set of Paper Slide Videos. In their slides students, in groups, decided on 1) what they were nervous about, 2) what they are excited about, 3) what their favorite 7th grade memory was, 4) what their least favorite 7th grade memory was, and 5) what questions they still had. Check out their thoughts...

Until next time.....And I will be within the week... :)